About Us
At Green Meadows Academy, we are a dedicated team of highly skilled teachers and learning support staff. Pupils, all of whom should have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) are supported by an experienced pastoral team comprising of Communication & Interaction Leaders, Pastoral & Family Support Officers, and Behaviour Support Workers. All staff work closely with families and our local community in order to offer our pupils the best opportunities possible. Many of our learners have a diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Condition, but this is by no means all of our learners, and we have a wide range of differing needs at our Primary and Secondary Schools. Our class sizes vary between 6 to 14 learners.
Please click here for the organisation chart.
Please click here for the Whole School Offer.
Our Vision for Green Meadows
Green Meadows is a leading and innovative special school at the heart of the local community. An environment that is inspiring, creative and purposeful. One that values all experiences as learning opportunities to develop ourselves and each other. Green Meadows is a place where diversity is celebrated and barriers are challenged through daily opportunities for immersive and engaging learning.
Our pupils will be empathetic, healthy, motivated, happy and resilient learners ready to engage in the world of work and live independently. Our pupils will actively engage and thrive in their local community and the wider world, developing their understanding of keeping themselves safe. They develop the skills and abilities to be able to communicate their wants and needs as well as build and maintain positive relationships. Pupils will make excellent academic and personal progress empowering them to reach their full potential by pursuing their dreams, goals and aspirations.
Our Vision and Core Values
We envision a world where our pupils with SEND are empowered to become responsible citizens who are committed to protecting the environment, promoting social justice, and leading healthy, fulfilling lives.
We believe that by creating a community that prioritises being ready, respectful, and safe, we can inspire and equip our pupils to make a positive impact on their communities and the world.
We have created four curriculum pathways for our pupils that are built around their individual needs which will help them to achieve positive outcomes and prepare them for adulthood, and on into life beyond GMA – continuing education, work or training.
We are committed to fostering a safe, inclusive, and supportive learning environment where every pupil can thrive.
We believe that the following values are essential to achieving our vision;
Be Ready: We believe that preparation is key to success.
Be Respectful: We believe that every person deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. We encourage our pupils to develop empathy and understanding for others and to cultivate positive relationships based on trust, kindness and mutual respect.
Be Safe: We believe that safety is essential to well-being. We prioritise the physical, emotional, and mental safety of our pupils and work to create a secure and nurturing environment where everyone feels valued and supported.
By upholding these values, we believe that our pupils will be empowered to achieve their full potential, contribute positively to their communities, and lead fulfilling, purposeful lives.
Unconditional Positive Regard
“Like a flower that will grow to its full potential if the conditions are right, but which is constrained by its environment, so people will flourish and reach their potential if their environment is good enough”
Carl Rogers, 1902 – 1987
At Green Meadows Academy, we believe in treating all pupils with unconditional positive regard. We recognise that every pupil is unique and brings their own set of strengths, challenges and experiences to the classroom. Therefore, we strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment where every pupil is valued, respected, and supported regardless of their needs, background, or identity.
We believe that by demonstrating unconditional positive regard, we can create a culture of trust, empathy, and acceptance that promotes learning and growth. We encourage our staff to listen actively, communicate effectively, and show empathy and compassion towards our pupils. By fostering positive relationships with our pupils, we aim to create a safe and supportive environment where every pupil can thrive in all areas of need.
We also believe that treating all pupils with unconditional positive regard extends beyond the classroom and into our wider community. We encourage our pupils to be respectful, kind, and empathetic towards others. By instilling these values in our pupils, we aim to develop responsible citizens who are committed to making a positive difference in the world.
The School Day
Students begin to arrive on site from 9.00am at Green Meadows (and in line with the mainstream school in our partnerships).
Breakfast is an important part of school life, and aims to support students to have a positive start to their day. It is a time where child-to-child and child-to-adult relationships are positively fostered and reinforced. We provide a healthy and well-balanced snack, which class groups can enjoy together. This is a time to prepare students mentally and emotionally for the day ahead and can include:
● Reinforcement of micro-routines
● Reinforcement of school and class values – ready, respectful and safe
● Preparation for transitions using visual timetables
● Brain games, quizzes
● Circle time, News Round on TV, topical discussions
● Target setting discussions
● Celebrating successes
Timings of the pupils’ day are set out below:
9.00am – 3:00pm (GM Secondary and GM Primary)
12.15pm Lunch (GM Secondary and GM Primary)
3.00pm Students leave Green Meadows
Green Meadows Academy – Primary School
At GMA Primary we meet the needs of predominantly primary-aged pupils, many of whom have communication and interaction difficulties including autism. Pupils in the primary school are allocated a class based on their age and also their need. Their class-teacher delivers a ‘primary model’ of delivery, where they teach a broad range of subjects using methods and strategies suitable to the individual needs of the pupils.
Communication and Interaction is central to the curriculum, and learning for our primary pupils takes place outside the classroom as much as it does inside the classroom. Makaton is reinforced throughout the school as a communication aid, and we also ensure that we meet the pupils’ sensory needs.
Green Meadows Academy – Secondary School
At GMA Secondary students have similar needs as those in our primary school, and are able to remain within our Post-16 provision until they are 19 years of age.
As in the primary school, pupils at GMA Secondary are in classes that reflect a combination of their age and Key Stage as well as their area of need. At the core of our learning is English / Literacy, Mathematics / Numeracy, Science, and PSHE – which all of our pupils will study. Our pupils benefit from specialist teachers for these key areas of the curriculum. As learners progress through the school, appropriate qualifications (such as Functional Skills if appropriate) and life skill development (such as Food Technology) become key.
At certain points in the term, themes and projects are developed using a whole school collaborative approach where classes are joined together so that pupils will benefit from working with a range of other students and staff members.
Green Meadows Academy – Post-16 / 6th Form
As our young people approach Year 11 (the end of Key Stage 4) there are a number of pathway opportunities available to them. These pathways allow them to continue their education and build on the many successes they have had in previous years.
Not all subject areas are compulsory at Key Stage 5. Therefore, students are able to choose from a selection of exciting options, which are tailored to employment or independence pathways. These may lead to further study when they reach 19 or move into other job-related courses such as apprenticeships or employment. The intention of these options is not only to offer a wide and rewarding, relevant study programme, but also continuity of progression and the development of life skills that aid increasing independence, self-confidence and self-reliance.
Opportunities at GMA Post-16 include the chance to gain ASDAN qualifications, attend an FE College (such as Leeds City College) one day per week in order to sample and also gain vocational qualifications, benefit from Independent Travel Training, earn the Duke of Edinburgh Award, and also become ‘job ready’ by gaining a supported internship or work experience locally.
For information on 16-19 bursaries, please click here.
Green Meadows Academy – Partnerships
GMA has long-standing, successful partnerships with four mainstream schools across the city of Leeds. Pupils in these settings remain on the roll of our school, but access learning in mainstream classes with support from our own specialist staff.
Dependent on the setting, and the individual needs of the pupils, they will access a range of mainstream lessons. This access is to ensure that the pupil can progress and develop in academic areas as well as socially with age related peers.
GMA pupils benefit from partnerships within Rawdon St Peter’s Primary School, Brudenell Primary School, Allerton High School and Benton Park High School.