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School Meals

School prepared meals

We have a fantastic schools meals service with meals cooked on site. As such we can accommodate a wide variety of diets and choices that the pupils have. Generally pupils have a choice of 3 meals each day that is a cold option, a vegetarian option and a hot option. If your child requires a specialised diet through medical reasons we can accommodate this too. Fruit is always available to pupils during their dinner and we always encourage pupils to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Packed lunch

As an alternative option you may choose to send a packed lunch with your child. We will always encourage you to choose healthy options for your child and don’t allow chocolate, sweets and fizzy drinks in the packed lunches.

Click here to see our latest catering newsletter and our new catering vision!

Packed Lunch Guidelines

Packed Lunch Guidelines (2)

Free School Meals

FSM Poster

For any allergies/special diets, please complete a Special Diets Information Allergen Form , further information on allergies can be found here.

General Data Protection Guidance Note

Special Diets – FAQ

Special Diets - Frequently Asked Questions - Parent Letter